
Monday, March 9, 2015

Results from the Second Round of The 21DSD

I have finally finished the end of my second detox and I am full of mixed emotions about it.

First of all, this past week has been HARD.  Between the craziness of the move, the traveling, and not having a kitchen to be able to make food that wasn't salad, it has been so difficult and frustrating.  For every meal, Joe and I were scrambling and trying to find something that was actually detox approved.  I didn't have a terrible time with cravings but I got annoyed that the food that is easy and conveniently offered is NOT healthy (an even bigger eye opener that most Americans, myself included, eat like crap because it's so easy to do so).  

Secondly, with everything going on, I had to cut back on the running and working out simply because I didn't have time.  So, I didn't get the results that I wanted.  The last time I weighed myself was almost a week ago and I was five pounds down, so who knows if I lost more since then.  

On top of it all, it was not a perfect detox (I'm going to be completely honest with you guys).  I stuck with the food but did indulge in a few beers this past weekend.  After two and a half years of being stuck in the desert and in the middle of nowhere, I felt a little celebration was earned and deserved!  The truth?  I definitely enjoyed them but felt like crap the next day (and I promise, I did not drink a lot).  I felt bloated and like it wasn't really worth it.  Goodness gracious... Am I getting old?!?  Probably.  But, I am preferring the way that I feel when I stay away from all of the bad stuff.

The good?  Well, I didn't gain, managed to lose a bit more to get towards my goal, and my clothes are fitting a lot looser.  I also think that if I wasn't on the detox in the middle of all of this craziness, I would have immediately gone for the pizza and burgers that were easily accessible.  I also think that because of the healthy choices, I've had the energy to get through this craziness.

I am still not anywhere near where I want to be but I feel like the more honest I am here, the more accountable I am!  So, here are the pics!  (Don't judge too harshly!  It is SO hard sharing these pics!)

Before Detox 1, After Detox 1, After Detox 2

Before Detox 1, After Detox 1, After Detox 2

And, that's it from me for right now!  It's vacation time and my goal is to have fun and still make healthy choices.  Lots of changes are in store for our little family and I can't wait to keep you posted.  Until then...

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Searching for Balance: Detox and Moving

These past two weeks have been Ca-Razy!  Not only have we been prepping to leave Fort Irwin (finally!) and for our huge move to Hawaii but we decided to take a cross country trip to visit all of our family, threw a ski trip in there, and are planning on driving back to Cali for our Hawaii flight at the end of the month.  Take all of the stress that is involved with moving alone, add a trip, and two kids under two... and no wine... and you have a slightly frazzled momma.

But, I have managed.  The movers arrived this morning (only after a slight hiccup with transportation and the fact that they showed up a day late) but I feel like we really are going to get out of here!  Praise the Lord!

Somehow, I have managed to stick to the detox.  I'm still not sure how I've done it.  I'm on Day 16 with five days left and this round has been quite interesting.

Last post, I briefly explained that I was doing the second level of the detox, which involved eliminating grains from my diet, as well as limiting my dairy.  I was nervous about the dairy part since I was eating cheese in nearly every meal.  Now that I think about it, doesn't that seem insane?  It was definitely time to cut back on dairy.

That part has not been as hard as I thought.  The cravings are not as bad this time around, either.  And I practically have the list of what I can and can't eat memorized.  The hardest thing this time around has been the convenience factor.  Constant meal prepping and making sure that I have things in the house that I can eat has been so hard with everything going on.  After a full and busy day, it has been so hard to not throw in the towel and just order a pizza.  The crazy thing about that is that it's not because I WANT a pizza or am dying for one... It's merely because I'm tired and don't want to cook.  What does that say about the food that is offered to us daily?  I could easily pick up a salad at a fast food joint but would still be worried that there would be food in it that isn't healthy.  Pretty mind blowing.

Luckily, Joe has been super helpful in going to get last minute things that we can cook and being encouraging about not giving up.  I still have five days left and am a little nervous because after today, my kitchen will be cleaned out and I will have to be pretty creative to stick to it.

Joe asked last night if I still feel the same way about the detox as I did the first time around.  Absolutely.  100%.  I feel good, am sleeping well, and have had the energy to make it through these very busy days.  On top of all of that, I love the fact that despite being so busy, I've still taken care of myself and my family and have given my body the fuel that it needs instead of the crap that I definitely would have resorted to if I hadn't been on it.  Even with the brief thoughts of giving up, I keep resorting to the notion that this is life.  There will always be something going on.  There will always be a reason to "just do it later."  There will always be an excuse and a justification.

NOW is the time to do it.

I'm tired of making excuses and justifications.  And I love the fact that I'm not only changing my diet but changing myself.  This detox has been positive on so many different levels.

My goal is to somehow make it through this week and come up with a goal for vacation time.  I want to enjoy our trip without worrying but I also don't want to take a ton of steps back.  I'm still searching for balance but I feel like I am on my way!  Wish me luck!      
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Back on the Wagon- Round II of The 21 DSD

Last week, my little family and I loaded up and headed out to San Diego for our last California weekend getaway.

It amazes me that two and a half years ago, Joe and I arrived in California practically newlyweds, very newly pregnant with Adaline (can't you tell by my impressive bump?!) and absolutely clueless about what was in store for us.  We got to Fort Irwin, took a scared look around and headed straight to San Diego!

Somehow, we have managed to come full circle and spent one of our last weekends back in one of my favorite cities... and with just a tad more baggage!

The end of my detox could not have fallen more perfectly!  It was nice to get away and not have to completely worry about what I could or couldn't eat and it was especially nice to have a few tasty adult beverages.  But, I will be completely honest... last week totally reinforced the positive effects of The 21 Day Sugar Detox and how I am still at the beginning of this health journey.

I felt like crap.

I was tired.  I was bloated.  I felt slightly moody.  And for a lack of a better word, I felt bleck.

Last post, I mentioned that I had a box of Girl Scout cookies and wine to celebrate.  I think the thing that surprised me the most was how little I enjoyed them.  The first cookie that I tasted was pretty good... but then, the old me that celebrates moments with treats ate a few more and I ended up feeling disgusting and thinking to myself, "Why in the hell did I just eat that?!?  It wasn't even that good!"  A thought that completely surprised me because I am the Queen of Sweets!!!  Did I seriously just think that Girl Scout cookies weren't that good?!  So, then, I ate another one to make sure.

And, that's where my weakness is, my friends.  I need to find some kind of balance.  All week, the little voice in my head said to "eat the sweets, drink the wine, enjoy a burger... even if it makes you feel like crap.  You're 'treating' yourself and you'll get back on the detox next week."  And I did.  And I didn't beat myself up too badly about it but by Sunday, I was ready to get my energy, my head, and my body back and ready to start another 21 days.  

I don't know if I will ever be able to be that person that just doesn't need/want the junk.  Right now, the guidelines help.  I am on Day 4 of my second detox and I already feel like my energy has picked up and like my mind is clear.  

We have two weeks left here at Irwin, so that will get me to the end of this detox.  And then, I need to come up with a plan to get me through a month of traveling.  I did not work this hard to just let it all go because of vacation.  Send on the suggestions and good vibes!  I'm listening and will keep you posted!   

Monday, February 9, 2015

21 DSD Success!

When I first started my detox journey, I had no idea what was in store.  I was nervous and excited and to be really honest, I did not think that I could make it for three weeks without cheating.  I LOVE wine, chocolate, peanut butter, bread... etc.  It seemed like such a huge step to get rid of these things from my diet and as excited as I was about an opportunity to change and become better and healthier, I was so scared of failing.

Each day, I renewed my commitment to this detox.  And each day that I passed, I mentally did a backflip that I got through the day successfully and it became easier and easier.  Instead of focusing on all that I couldn't have, I began to look forward to new recipes.  In the past three weeks, I have tried about 20 new recipes that were easy to make, and I kid you not, my family has devoured these meals.  What an amazing feeling!  To know that my toddler is fueling her little body with food that is healthy and GOOD is so wonderful.  

It's no surprise that when you start something that may be a little radical or out of the ordinary, you're going to hear a lot of negativity (and I'll just say that I don't think people do this intentionally but the white noise can be daunting).  A ton of people have told me, "You're crazy!" or "I could NEVER do that!"  I turn on the tv and every commercial is about losing weight "Try this new product that is sure to help you lose those unwanted pounds!"  Like I said last week, I put my scale away.  I don't want that to be a factor for the way that I feel about myself.  The fact that I mentally and physically feel amazing has been such a wonderful change.  I have noticed that it's a lot easier to feel positive, especially about myself.  I have energy that I didn't have three weeks ago and this has helped in keeping up with the kids.  I love the way that I feel and I don't want to go back to feeling like crap by 2 o'clock in the afternoon.  

Now, onto the stuff that everyone has been asking about!  I have lost 8 pounds (keep in mind that I am walking and running almost every day).  My appetite has decreased significantly.  And I can definitely see a change in my before and after pics...

So, I just needed to add that this is where I was THREE months ago.  Goodness gracious.  Hello big ole Gus!

Before and After The 21 DSD

Before and after The 21 DSD

Trust me, I know that I'm not a model.  Nor am I where I want to be.  My main goal is my health but I'd be lying if I didn't add that I also would love to look good in a bikini again!  We'll be in Hawaii in two months for crying out loud!

The Plan...

I have STILL yet to eat sugar today (it's after noon!).  I'm a little scared of how I will feel so I'm really trying to avoid doing a major binge.  I do have a couple of boxes of Girl Scout cookies and I have a date with a bottle of wine tonight while watching The Bachelor!  Ha Ha!  But, my plan is to relax and enjoy a few sweet treats this week since we are heading to San Diego in a couple of days.  And then, next Monday, I will start the detox at Level 2 where I'll eliminate all  whole grains, including rice and quinoa, and will start to limit dairy (this sounds super scary to me!).

Thank you for all of the encouragement along the way and I will definitely keep you guys posted!  Happy Monday, ya'll!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Week 2 of The 21 DSD and On Loving Myself

I am breaking up with my scale.

We have had a pretty serious relationship since High School, when things like "how much you weigh" began to seem important.  I'd meet up with him weekly, sometimes daily, sometimes several times a day.  He would give me his number.  And I would never, ever, ever be satisfied.  

I always wanted a number that was about five pounds lower.  Even when I was at my absolute lowest (and unhealthiest), I had gotten out of a relationship, ran six miles a day, and lived off of Wheat Thins, apples, coffee, Diet Coke, and cigarettes... and I still wanted five pounds off.  

I. Am. Done.

It's beyond time that I start appreciating this amazing body that God has given me.  The body that my husband fell in love with and still loves, despite the added fluffiness.  The body that has made two precious and amazing little blessings.  The body that has seen me through school and jobs and adventures and life and love.  

I. Am. Done.

I will never be super model thin or have long legs and a six pack.  My legs may be short but they are strong and have carried me for miles and miles and miles.  My hips may be a little wider than what media would say is ideal but they have helped carry and deliver two beautiful babies.  My belly will most likely never be flat but I will never forget putting my hands on my huge belly and feeling that joyful and amazing fluttering that came from the little lives that were growing inside.  My arms are not cut but they have held the people that I truly love.

I am done with being so unappreciative of all of this.  I want to be healthy and to give my body the fuel that it needs to make it through each day and then the ability to rest at night (well, as much rest as I can get with having two kids under two!).  

Now, don't get me wrong.  I know that the weight and health go hand-in-hand but my goal is to take care of my body, choose the right way to fuel it, and to stop obsessing about a number on a scale.  It's beyond time and there are two little ones with very watchful eyes.  I want them to see their momma be healthy and confident.  (This won't all happen over night but I guarantee you, I am working on it.)
My reasons...

I hope that it's obvious of how The 21 Day Sugar Detox is going!  I am happy to report that I have made it through two entire weeks without any slip-ups or sugar... and I feel amazing!  I have found that with each day there is either a new challenge or a new success.  

Last week ended on a pretty strong note.  The week before I started the detox, I signed up for the daily emails that The 21 DSD website offers.  These daily emails have been so helpful.  It reminds you of what day you are on (which at first seems kind of pointless but once I was cruising into Day 8, I was mentally giving myself a high five for making it so far), she sends menu suggestions, links to blogs from people who have done the detox, and what you may be experiencing with the detox.  I have felt that these tiny little daily reminders have helped me feel like I'm not alone in this new and exciting journey!

The two hardest days for me were Days 6 and 9.  Before both of those days, I had really rough nights because of the kids and didn't get much sleep.  I was exhausted, hungry, and craving sugar so badly.  I went back to the book and realized that I wasn't eating as much carbs as I was supposed to be, corrected the problem, and felt better immediately.  

I can honestly say that I have more energy.  I feel like a fog has lifted in my brain.  I feel brighter and more positive.  And even though there are moments where I'll think, "Man, a beer and pizza sure would be good while watching the Super Bowl," the craving is not as fierce as it was before and quickly passes.

I should also mention that I have cut out a lot of the sugar that Addie was eating as well.  First of all, she eats the food that I am making for myself and when Joe comes in, he has eaten it as well.  They have LOVED the new recipes.  My tiny girl who isn't a huge eater, has asked for "MORE!" with the recipes that I have made.  I LOVE THAT!  This morning, she ate two servings of an egg quiche, which had spinach, onions, and tomatoes in it!  My kid is eating veggies and loving it!

Even more, I have seen a difference in her behavior.  Adaline is usually pretty fun, sweet, and easy going but she has been even more well behaved since we've started this change.  We have dealt with hardly any temper tantrums (she's almost two, to say that there have been none would be a lie), she is going to bed with hardly any trouble, and my little non sleeper is finally sleeping through most nights.  It can't just be coincidental!      

I am loving these changes in me and my family and am working on my plan for when my 21 days are up.  Keep following and sending me your encouragement!  This is just the beginning of a very exciting journey!

On to the food!  Since Joe has been gone for work and life is pretty hectic with my two littles, I have been very bad about keeping up with my food log.  I did manage to snap a few pics of my favorites, so, here they are!


I had a HUGE craving for chocolate and something sweet.  So, I made this avocado, banana, and unsweetened cocoa mousse from The 21 DSD.  It was so delicious and completely satisfied my craving!
Miss Adaline loved the mousse!

I was never really a breakfast sausage eater before the detox and now I am loving it.  My alternative to this breakfast, is just eating the sausage with raw carrot stick and almonds (suggested in The 21 DSD).  I NEVER in a million years would have eaten carrots for breakfast and I absolutely love the cold crunch in the morning!

We LOVE making pancakes!  Pumpkin pancakes hit just the spot for this breakfast craving!


My two favorite dinners have been a Tex-Mex Meatloaf found in the book, and this Shepherd's Pie.  I assure you that I have never been a fan of either and these recipes are absolutely delicious.  The family devoured this!

And my latest discovery.  I may have mentioned that I have a slight obsession with peanut butter.  That was before I tried almond butter!  This one is a tad pricey and I will have to search alternatives to support my nut butter habit.  But, the All Natural Barney Butter has absolutely no sugar, no salt... no crap in it!  And it is AMAZING.  I could talk about this almond butter for days but since they aren't paying me or sending me free almond butter, I'll just tell you to do yourself a favor and get this heaven in a jar.  (I ordered mine off of Amazon since we live in the middle of nowhere!)

And that is it from me!  Have a fabulous Monday, ya'll!  Make today your best Monday yet!

"Can we please go to bed now, momma??" :)

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Oh, Happy Day! Days 1-4 of The 21 DSD

When Addie was first born, I started singing to her every night.  My favorite song to sing was, "You are my sunshine."  I would sing it to her when putting her down at night and now, she sings it to me!  In her cute and sweet little toddler voice, she will sing, "Happy day!!" over and over again.  It took me a while to figure out that she was singing the part, "You make me happy, when skies are grey..."  I assume it's normal for things to get lost in toddler translation!

She was singing our song (rather loudly) on Monday as I began my sugar detox and what an excellent reminder and way to start this cleanse!

Oh!  Happy Day!

The detox is going surprisingly well!  I am happy to report that I have not slipped at all and have survived four days completely Sugar Free!!!  I think there are a few factors that have helped in making this go smoothly but I will get to that in a minute.

There are three things that I'd like to report on while blogging about the detox.  While doing my own research, these were the factors that I found to be most informative.  I'll discuss my mood/energy from day to day, my menu, and the things that are helping with the success of the detox.

Day 1- 
As nervous as I was, the conversation that started from my last blog post gave me a huge amount of encouragement.  I highly recommend that anyone that decides to do the detox has someone or something that will hold them accountable.  For me, knowing that I had people that were now following along and wanting to know how it was going has made a huge difference.  I don't care to publicly broadcast that I broke the detox because I couldn't keep myself from eating a cookie, you know?  Also, my mom and a couple of girlfriends are regularly asking how the detox is going and that has helped, too!

It should be noted that since I am breastfeeding, my plan is slightly modified (one of the reasons that I was drawn to this particular program because I am terrified of my supply dropping).  I'm not going to lie, on Day 1, I was HUNGRY.  So, I ate three snack and three meals.  I keep reminding myself that this isn't a diet... it's a detox and hopefully a life-change.  If I'm hungry, I'm going to eat.

Coffee with half-n-half, Buffalo Chicken Egg Muffin (recipe in The 21 Day Sugar Detox ), steamed spinach, and avocado

Snack- Handful of almonds and walnuts and a few pieces of beef jerky
Lunch- Grilled chicken in coconut oil, 1/2 sweet potato with cinnamon, pecans, and a little pat of unsalted butter

*** After I napped with the kids, I woke up to some serious cravings.  This is actually when I would usually get into the jar of peanut butter.  Don't judge.***
Snack- Coconut milk smoothie (recipe in The 21 Day Sugar Detox )  This did help curb that sugar craving.


Grilled salmon, quinoa with Parmesan cheese (so yummy), and baked broccoli and carrots

Snack- (See, I told you that I was hungry!)-  Green apple, handful of almonds, and unsweetened almond milk

Day 2
Mood/ Energy
I was still feeling motivated after Day 1.  Energy was the same as any other day (I have two kids under 2... How do you think my energy is?? Ha! Ha!).  Cravings were there but not that bad.

Breakfast- Leftover buffalo chicken egg muffin, steamed spinach, and avocado
Snack- Beef jerky
Lunch- Leftover salmon, quinoa (As much as I love fresh quinoa, eating it a second day was NOT good.  I will not be doing that again!), and fresh carrots
Snack- Green apple, handful of nuts

Cauliflower pizza (So yummy and satisfying!)

Day 3
Day 3 has definitely been the most challenging.  I woke up with an incredible craving for something sweet, so I put cinnamon in my coffee and that helped to quiet my little sugar monster for a while.   Joe had come in to resupply for the field, so the kids and I went with him to run errands.  It was about 11:00 and Addie was asking for something to eat since we had missed her morning snack.  I grabbed her a pack of Teddy Grahams (I know! Aren't I trying to AVOID sugar?! But, seriously, you try finding healthy, toddler-approved snacks while out and about!) and luckily, I spotted a bag of natural almonds.  I avoided temptation but I assure you that with each almond that I ate, I was wishing for one of those damned Teddy Grahams!

The entire day was pretty rough.  I felt emotional and drained (poor Joe!).  And after my nap with the kids, I felt like I was a day away from having a cold.  I stuck with the plan, though.  I knew that this would probably be one of my roughest days and I didn't want to backtrack.

Breakfast- Spinach, eggs, and bacon
Snack- A bag of almonds that I wished were Teddy Grahams
Lunch- Lettuce wraps with chicken, pecans, tomatoes, and eggs
Snack- Apples, a handful of walnuts, herbal tea with half-n-half
Dinner- Grilled chicken with jalapeƱos, onions, and cheese and roasted potatoes

Day 4
Mood/ Energy-
Today has been great!  For the first time in forever (dammit... now the Frozen song is in my head), I had energy to last me all day.  I felt like the sleepy fogginess that has taken over my brain since I got pregnant with Adaline finally lifted.  When the kids fell asleep at 2:00 for their naps, I didn't know what to do with myself!  I didn't feel like I was absolutely dying for a nap... which is normally my favorite time of the day.  It's nearly 10:00 p.m. now and I'm still on mommy-duty.  I'm tired but I'm not exhausted.  I'll take it!

Breakfast sausage and 2 eggs

Pan fried chicken and pecans toasted in  coconut oil, blue cheese, green apples, and spinach... Omg.  So yummy
Baked pork chops, roasted potatoes, roasted golden beets with herbs

Tips for success...

* I think that the biggest thing that has helped me get through these first few days is that I prepped for several weeks in advance.  I read the book, made a very detailed menu for the week (which I haven't completely followed but it has at least given me a guideline), and I made sure that I had food that I could actually eat in my house.

I love, love, LOVE my coffee in the morning.  I also love, love, LOVED the amount of sugar that I was putting in it.  I was putting THREE spoonfuls of sugar in my coffee in the morning (I told you that I had a sugar problem!).  When I decided that I was going to do the detox, I started cutting my sugar back every day until I wasn't adding any at all.  I knew that I didn't want to take away every single thing that I enjoyed all at once.  This tiny preparation may seem minuscule and silly but knowing that I can have my coffee in the morning and enjoy it, is kind-of a big deal.  

* I enjoy cooking and good food.  Making meals that leave me satisfied has helped me feel like I'm not really missing out.  I wanted pizza the other night... so, I made pizza.  It wasn't exactly the same but it satisfied the craving.

* Be open to try new foods!  Lately, I have felt stuck in a rut with what to cook for dinner.  This has been a great opportunity to try new things.  Luckily, most of the new things that I have tried, I have loved!  Coconut oil?  LOVE it!  Roasted beets?  Delicious!  Leftover quinoa?  Nope... not so much!  But, that's okay!  

So, today is a happy day.  I feel good and I look forward to the rest of the week and what's in store.  Wish me luck and I'll keep you posted!     

Sunday, January 18, 2015

The 21 Day Sugar Detox

About the age of 22, I began running.  It must be noted that I have never in my life been an athletic person.  It wasn't an easy process.  I was never fast.  I was never very good.  But, with each mile that I logged and each race that I ran, I felt a huge sense of accomplishment.  When my body ached at night after a long run, I relished in the delicious soreness that enveloped my body... And I felt proud.    

The running made me realize that I didn't just want to have a healthy body, I wanted to get my mind and soul healthy, as well.  I wanted to feel true happiness and peace.  So, each new year, I made a list of (achievable) goals that I could work toward in an attempt to be better than I was the year before.

And that's what I love about new years.  It's a time for reflection.  A time to reboot and start fresh.  

I've been a mom for almost two years now and I am constantly learning and finding myself in this role.  Every time I think that I have something figured out, things completely change.  After 18 months, we had finally gotten into a smooth routine with Adaline and then our sweet Gus arrived and the dynamics of our family changed!  I would never in a million years trade our crazy, beautiful, and often chaotic life but it's not always easy.  I realize that now is the time that I want to be my very best self.  I also realize that this is probably going to be harder than ever before.  

I want my kids to be proud that I am their mom.  I want Addie and Gus to know that I did everything I could to give them a happy and healthy childhood.  And I want them to see that despite the fact that I took care of them, Joe, the dog, and the house (and whatever else comes along the way), I also took the time to take care of myself.  (Am I totally spewing crazy talk, right now?!?  I'm no Wonder Woman and it could be the lack of sleep talking but this truly is my goal!)

I'm sure that many moms can attest to the fact that when you have kids (one or a dozen), there's not a whole lot of time of "Me-time".  The needs of your kids and family usually come first and you're lucky if you have ten minutes to squeeze in a shower at 10 o'clock at night.  I don't know where the balance is or how to find it but I have plenty of goals this year to help me figure it out.  

One of these goals (because I know that ya'll don't want to hear me talk about my knitting!) is to get my family eating healthier than ever before.  This, of course, has to start with me.  I am the one that does all of the grocery shopping and I cook the majority of our meals.  I have eaten "healthy" for years... but let's be honest, I'm a Southern girl from Louisiana.  Our veggies are smothered, we go through a ton of butter, and if rice isn't in nearly every meal then it's not a real meal.  I need to relearn how to cook and what to cook (and, of course, still have my family boast that I am the best cook around!).

I recently started following Chalene Johnson on FB.  If you don't know who she is, look her up!  She is the inventor of Beachbody's PiYo.  Not only is she insanely fit but she is incredibly positive and motivating.  I could talk about her for days and how she inspires me but that's neither here nor there.  One of the posts that she made recently was about sugar.  Her post still stands out so vividly in my mind.  She said that studies show that sugar is 8 times more addictive than cocaine (if I could find her exact post, I would link it.  I promise to keep an eye out for it!).          

I remember reading this and feeling completely repulsed.  The idea of sugar being more addictive than cocaine is disgusting to me.  And then, I started looking at all of the crap that we eat in our house.  Like I said before, I have worked on eating healthy for years.  We eat a ton of salad and grilled chicken... but, I will also be the first to tell you that I am most definitely addicted to sugar.  Chocolate, wine, bread, pasta, etc. <--- Love it all.  If I were alone and it were just me, maybe I could justify it with the fact that I don't have any health problems and work out.  But, I started thinking about my kids and my husband.  I'm in charge of their diets and ultimately, their health.  Am I setting the best example for my kids?  And, am I giving them the best foundation for when they leave my house and have to make their own nutritional choices?  

I started doing more research and found The 21 Day Sugar Detox by Diane Sanfillipo.  I'm not going to give the breakdown of her diet because there is a ton of online literature about it if you are interested.  I am hoping, however, to document this little experiment (obviously depending on how much mommy time I can find).  I found that the bloggers that talked about their detox to be incredibly helpful.  I also wouldn't mind seeing my own progress and I definitely need some accountability.  21 days isn't a lifetime but Day 1 is tomorrow and I am nervous and excited and I would love a successful outcome.

I have been prepping for this for a couple of weeks now.  I definitely had to wrap my brain around the idea of cutting all sugar out of my diet and knowing that there may be actual detox symptoms.  I have read the book and followed her list of suggestions to prep.  I have a meal plan for Week One and I cleaned out the pantry.     

I don't plan on this to be easy but I am motivated and ready to see positive results that can only come from following the plan!  So, wish me luck, ya'll... I'm going to need it!

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